
Cycle Store Zurich is a Zurich-based, standalone and independent retail store founded by four friends in 2012
who share the same passion for cycling, bikes, coffee and customer service - Dani, Alex, Luk and Flo.

In Autumn 2016 the almost endless search for an affordable but beautiful retail space came to an end.
The city of Zurich allowed us fulfil our dream in the heart of our city and the grand opening of Cycle Store Zurich took place in March 2017.

Since then, our team has expanded, changed and shuffled, now reaching a point where we have to pinch ourselves every now and then. We’re really very lucky.


  • NINA

    The freshest member of our expanding team. Hailing from South Africa, Nina first came to Switzerland in 2022 and fell in love with the cycling, the nature, the lifestyle and a man. A man who, of course, shares the same passion for everything cycling related. We met Nina through Isa, related to aforementioned man (it’s a bit of a family affair at CSZ now) and we were immediately charmed by her energy, humour and, necessary for the job, cycling knowledge.

    Living in the countryside meant Nina’s first foray into biking in ‘Der Schweiz’ was of the mountain variety, though countless crashes and open wounds on knees, elbows and even the chin (apparently) logically brought about a stronger interest in road biking, allowing Nina to further challenge herself physically and mentally, spending a lot of her spare time climbing up her local mountain roads.

    We’re thrilled!

  • Isabelle

    When we started hearing about Isa within the community here, it normally centred on one topic: that she’s very, very fast. Not only fast, but with endurance to match. She began attending our fast paced rides in 2022 and quickly became friends with the members of our expansive community, hanging out for beer and pizza at the end of the rides and, in addition to the already well formed idea of her competence on two wheels, made a reputation for being a very nice individual (She won the PNS Plus One Race in 2022, too). Skip to the beginning of 2023 and we’re looking for a new employee, ‘why not ask Isa?’. We did, she said yes and, as simple as that, this cyclist with a cult status within Zürich is now part of our team. Isa has a wealth of knowledge relating to how to sustain, both physically and mentally, on the bike. She knows how to prepare, how to fuel and what to wear/ take with you/ consider before you head out on a long, ambitious tour.

  • André

    Having been a customer of ours for some years, Andre popped the question of whether we had any open positions in the early months of 2021, during the grip of a Covid lockdown. Looking back, we can’t believe our luck. André’s passion, knowledge, hard-working nature and ability to engage with anyone he meets (not least our Portuguese and Spanish speaking clients) continues to propel us in the right direction. He’s a quick wit and keeps the team morale sky high with his humour.

    André is a strong roadie, a strong mountain biker and a strong gravel rider: the complete package. No one else in the team matches his effortless seated track stands and whether rides are long or short, hilly or flat, dry or wet, it can be a challenge to keep up with him.

  • Philip

    The most recent addition to our team. Philip started as a part timer in the summer and through his hard work, cycling knowledge, organisation and ability to lead our (very fast) group rides throughout the summer, he’s become a pivotal part of the team. He has an extremely broad reach across the riding community in Zürich and is liked by everyone he meets.

    Philip rides a lot. Unfortunately for the rest of us, this makes him the strongest member of the team on two wheels. He has extreme endurance - proven on our Ascension Day 265km/ 5800m ‘social’ ride with Sam and Andrew - a formidable punch and can climb with along with the best of them.

  • Ralf

    Finding a good mechanic is a tricky task, finding a good mechanic who fits into the current team, understands the store philosophy and generally elevates the day-to-day mood is something we had almost lost hope of finding, after all, Alex set the bar very high with his arrival in 2022. Then, restoring our waning hope, a guy called Ralf came along. Having cut his teeth as a mechanic in the professional racing realm, working in the most demandning environment a mechanic could ever find themselves in, Ralf is very, very good at his craft. It seems he’s seen everything before. Beyond this, he’s just proper nice and a real hoot to work with.

    Ralf is very tall and his bikes are very big and, after years of working in the pro circuit, he can often be found on the road mimicking pros in colourful team kits of the past. Not quite in keeping with the CSZ aesthetic, but we like it nevertheless.

  • Erwin

    In the early 00’s when Dani was selling bikes, dreaming of the day when he would own his own shop, Erwin was alongside him fixing them. Now a partner of Cycle Store Zurich, aside from being an exceptionally good mechanic, he is also a professional photographer and has helped shape the brand image of CSZ from the very beginning (take a look at our 2022 PNS Plus One Race photos for a good example). With a busy schedule, mostly taking pictures, we don’t see him as much as we’d like to but when we do, it’s always a pleasure. He is just a really, really nice guy.

    Erwin is an explorer. Touring some very remote parts of the world along with his camera, he’ll ride up to very high altitude in complete solitude, photographing baron, moon-like landscapes in the process.

  • Dani

    The chief, the founder.

    Having worked in a bicycle shop with his friends many moons ago, there was always a dream to open a shop of his own. In 2017, when Cycle Store Zurich’s doors opened and bikes began rolling in and out of them, Dani’s dream became a reality. His attention to detail, indefatigable nature and passion for world class customer service have put CSZ on the map as one of the finest bike shops in the business.

    On the bike, Dani doesn’t like long rides, however much the other team members try to persuade him. Instead, short, fast, hilly rides are Dani’s specialty. If you can’t find him at the shop, hang around on the top of Buchenegg or Albispass, our local climbs and ones Dani rides on an almost daily basis.